College of 澳门六合彩app下载 welcomes commitment to tackle rheumatic fever

5 October 2020

Category: Media releases


澳门六合彩app下载 is welcoming yesterday鈥檚 announcement to invest $55 million in tackling the root causes of rheumatic fever. The College are vocal critics of New Zealand鈥檚 rheumatic fever statistics and strong advocates for change that will improve health equity.

College medical director Dr Bryan Betty says, "Rheumatic fever is a devastating childhood illness, particularly for M膩ori and Pasifika kids, and it can cause a lifetime of poor health, in particular, heart disease, heart failure and, in the worse cases, death.

"In New Zealand, rheumatic fever remains entrenched in communities experiencing hardship and deprivation.

"As a GP working in Cannons Creek, which is a high-deprivation area, I regularly see rheumatic fever and its devastating effects on patients and their whanau. It is unacceptable that a disease that has been eliminated from most of the western world remains entrenched in New Zealand," says Dr Betty.

The College has health equity at the heart of its work and is working to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities.

"Rheumatic fever presents with something as innocuous as a sore throat in children but can lead to entirely disrupting the course of a person鈥檚 life and the opportunities they have; it time consuming and a difficult disease that reflects a failure of the New Zealand health system" says Dr Betty.