College subscription and fees

Please note: all our fees listed here are exclusive of GST. Membership fees are charged each year.

Member fees

All College members (which includes registrars on our training programmes) pay an annual membership subscription fee. The subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March and invoices are sent mid-late March each year.

See ways to pay your College fees.

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How our membership subscriptions are put together

Your annual membership fee is made up of three components:

  • Your subscription fee
  • Research and Education levy
  • Faculty or Chapter levy.

College membership subscriptions

These fees are valid 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025 and are reviewed annually.

Membership subscription fee earning $60,000 or more, or overseas participating in CPD


Applies to Fellows, Distinguished Fellows and members registered in the vocational scope of general practice

Membership subscription fee earning less than $60,000


Per annum before tax, from all sources. (Applies to Fellows, Distinguished Fellows and members registered in the vocational scope of general practice)

Membership subscription fee - Recent graduate


Doctors who are within five years of completing their primary medical qualification

Membership subscription fee - Limited leave


Fellows who put their CPD programme on hold for 4鈥12 months or registrars who put their vocational training programme on hold for 4鈥12 months. (Applies to Members, Associates in Training and Associates in Practice)

Membership subscription fee - full-time (more than 5/10ths per year)


Applies to Members, Associates in Training and Associates in Practice

Membership subscription fee - part-time (5/10ths or less per year)


Members or Associates working 5/10ths or less in any field or working less than six months in a year. (Applies to Members, Associates in Training and Associates in Practice)

Membership subscription fee - Limited leave


Fellows who put their CPD programme on hold for 4鈥12 months or registrars who put their vocational training programme on hold for 4鈥12 months. (Applies to Members, Associates in Training and Associates in Practice)

Membership subscription fee - Retired and Non-Active


Permanently retired or doctors temporarily not working for 12 months or more OR practising less than two weeks a year, e.g. maternity leave, VSA, etc

Membership subscription fee - Overseas


Doctors absent from New Zealand for more than 12 months and not enrolled in the College鈥檚 CPD programme. Advise the College by emailing if you are non-resident for GST purposes, and your invoice will be GST exclusive

Other fees that make up your subscription

These fees are valid 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025 and are reviewed annually.

Research and Education levy


A contribution towards the fund that supports the College to fund research into general practice

Faculty or Chapter levy - full subscription


The regional Faculty levy does not apply in the first year of joining

Faculty or Chapter levy - reduced subscription


Regional Faculty levy does not apply in the first year of joining

Division of Rural Hospital Medicine levy


A fee to be part of the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine

Advanced Competency levy - cosmetic medicine


Doctors who have vocational registration in general practice and who have been accredited by the College as having an advanced competency in cosmetic medicine