
Living in Marlborough

Marlborough offers amazing lifestyle opportunities. From heading out with your fishing rod after work to catch dinner in the Marlborough Sounds, to family weekends exploring the beaches, vineyards and mountains, there are endless opportunities to鈥痚xplore, experience and excite.

Marlborough is in the north-east corner of the South Island. It is easily accessible by ferry, train, air or road. There are three main centres - Blenheim, Renwick and Picton.

The famous wine district with many restaurants focused on local wines and food. It also has a public art gallery, a museum and colonial village, public and private gardens to visit. Blenheim regularly claims the highest sunshine hours in New Zealand and has low rainfall.

A satellite village to Blenheim right in the heart of the vineyards. It boasts a local history museum,聽public library and pubs with local beers.

A seaside town and the starting point for walks, outdoor adventure eco-tourism, boating and cruises in and around the Queen Charlotte Sound. Picton is also the the ferry transit point from Wellington.


There are nine practices in Marlborough, many of which are training and Cornerstone accredited (or in the process). The practices welcome registrars of all levels and can provide high quality mentorship.

Marlborough also has an urgent care centre (open daily) which is covered by 澳门六合彩app下载 on weekends and public holidays. 澳门六合彩app下载 are rostered for six-hour shifts with no work commitments beyond 6.00pm.

The local College Faculty

All College members belong to a regional faculty offering social and learning events, and providing peer support.

Examples of initiatives run by the Nelson/Marborough Faculty recently include:

  • small group teaching
  • funding new Fellows to attend the College conference to receive their Fellowship
  • supported faculty members to attend the conference at a reduced rate
  • GPEP year 2 and GPEP year 3 registrars are supported by an enthusiastic and experienced registrar training programme across Nelson and Marlborough.

The local medical education team

Marlborough offers a full GP training experience within both urban and rural settings. The medical educators enjoy building collegial relationships amongst the local 澳门六合彩app下载 and their small local hospital and medical community.